MATH 521 (Analysis I)
math521-midterm-notesCOMP SCI 537 (Intro to OS)
cs537-midterm-cheatsheetCOMP SCI 564 (DBMS)
cs564-midtermMATH 521 (Analysis I)
math521-midterm-notesCOMP SCI 537 (Intro to OS)
cs537-midterm-cheatsheetCOMP SCI 564 (DBMS)
cs564-midtermReference: A. Agarwal, N. Jiang, S. Kakade, & W. Sun. Reinforcement Learning: Theory and Algorithms. (Version January 31, 2022)
Functions, Derivatives, Integration, Application, Series; Vectors and Geometry of Space, Vector Functions, Partial Derivatives, Multiple Integrals, Vector Calculus.