Computer Sciences
- COMP SCI 240: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics Course Homepage (Including DVM Reading)
- COMP SCI 300: Programming II (Optional) Slides (19, Mouna)
- COMP SCI 320: Data Science Programming II (Optional) Course Homepage (22FA, Including Slides and Notes, Tyler)
- COMP SCI 520: Introduction to Theory of Computing
- COMP SCI 524: Introduction to Optimization
- COMP SCI 536: Introduction to Programming Languages and Compilers
- COMP SCI 537: Introduction to Operating Systems Course Homepage (21FA, Including Recording) Course Homepage (22FA) Projects (22FA) Old Exams Textbook (OSTEP, Remzi & Andrea) My Notes
- COMP SCI 540: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Course Schedule (22SP, Including Slides) Course Schedule (22FA, Including Slides) My Notes (Written, PDF)
- COMP SCI 564: Database Management Systems: Design and Implementation Slides (18SP, Paris) Course Homepage (22FA, Including Projects, AnHai) My Notes
- COMP SCI 577: Introduction to Algorithms
- COMP SCI 704: Principles of Programming Languages (Optional)
- COMP SCI 760: Machine Learning (Optional) Course Schedule (21SP, Including Slides)
- COMP SCI 761: Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (Optional) Course Homepage (17SP) Materials (Zhu)
- COMP SCI 861: Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning (Optional)
- E C E 729: Information Theory (Optional)
- MATH 341: Linear Algebra (Proof-based) Textbook (Linear Algebra Done Wrong)
- MATH 431: Introduction to the Theory of Probability Textbook (Introduction to Probability, Anderson & Seppalainen & Valko, Preview) Notes (Davar & Firas, Utah, not used at UW-Madison) Quick Review (Seppalainen) My Notes (Written, PDF)
- MATH 475: Introduction to Combinatorics Textbook (Introductory Combinatorics 5th Ed, Brualdi)
- MATH 513: Numerical Linear Algebra
- MATH 519: Ordinary Differential Equations
- MATH 521: Analysis I Notes as Textbook (Leslie) Textbook (Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis) My Notes Slides (Earn, McMaster, not used at UW-Madison) Student Notes (Zhong)
- MATH 522: Analysis II Notes as Textbook (Seeger) Textbook (Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis) My Notes (HTML)
- MATH 525: Linear Optimization
- MATH 541: Modern Algebra I My Notes (HTML) Student Notes (Zhong)
- MATH 542: Modern Algebra II
- MATH 551: Elementary Topology
- MATH 619: Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
- MATH 632: Introduction to Stochastic Processes Student Notes (Zhong)
- MATH 635: An Introduction to Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus
- MATH 721: A First Course in Real Analysis Student Notes (Abbott)
- MATH 722: Complex Analysis Student Notes (Abbott)
- MATH 725: A Second Course in Real Analysis Notes (Old PDF, Angenent) Notes (New ZIP, Angenent) Student Notes (Abbott)
- MATH 733: Theory of Probability I (Optional) Notes (Roch)
- MATH 734: Theory of Probability II (Optional) Notes (Roch)
Statistics (Optional)
- STAT 310: Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics II (Inference) Syllabus (13SP, Ane)
- STAT 340: Introduction to Data Modeling II Course Homepage (21FA, Including Notes, Slides, and Textbook, Bi & Keith)
- STAT 351: Introductory Nonparametric Statistics
- STAT 443: Classification and Regression Trees
- STAT 451: Introduction to Machine Learning and Statistical Pattern Classification Notes and Slides (20FA, Raschka)
- STAT 453: Introduction to Deep Learning and Generative Models Notes and Slides (20SP, Raschka)
Basic Stuff for High Schoolers
- AP Computer Science A (= CS 200) My Slides
- AP Calculus BC (= MATH 221 + MATH 222) My Notes
- Multivariable Calculus (= MATH 234) My Notes WISC Calculus Placement Test
All links are based on publicly available materials or notes on my own to avoid copyright issues. For books, you might find Z-library helpful, but there is no link to a website like that for materials on this page. Feel free to reach out to me or comment below if a link is broken, if some information is not correct or outdated, or if you need more information.